The Titans "Instant Disasters" LRR 030 LP/CD              [ next | back | main ]

The Titans 1. no way out
2. drink-drive
3. rip off the road map
4. mainline
5. bogged down
6. take you back
7. you drive me mad
8. i can't tell you the right
9. motel room in my bed
10. do anything
11. let's get up
12. useless fellow
A knock down drag out bare-knuckles punker that owes equal to the brawling sounds of the 50's and the open-up-and-bleed 70's. Enthusiasm abounds on this one. Engineered by Fink of the Teengenerate and endorsed by Eric Oblivion, you know you've got the real goods. Notable covers of both X and U.I.C. It is time to be counted!

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